My skin is already oily... so why should I add more? Two oils DO make a right!

Those of us with acne prone skin are familiar with the dilemma. The goal has always been to remove oil from the face with the dream of preventing breakouts, right? Wrong. Some oils are actually what your skin has been craving all along. In fact, the right oils will work to target the dry patches your current moisturizer just can't get to or that you didn't even know you had, resulting in evenly healthy and hydrated skin...and great selfies! 

 So, what is this magical oil you speak of? 

 Face Serum (we recommend R&B's Gratitude) is a rich blend of oils, antioxidants and herbs specifically formulated to give your skin the wake-up call you didn't even realize it needed. Vitamins A & C cultivate brighter skin and help keep that youthful glow alive. These vitamins also stimulate cell turnover and rejuvenation, eliminating pesky dry skin that can cause dullness and wrinkles and replacing it with a bright, fresh-faced appearance. Face Serum is powerful enough to heal, tone and tighten providing almost instant results. (Yay!)

 Still think oil is bad? Read on.

 Face Serum is stronger than most moisturizers. It can go to battle with some of the most harmful substances in our environment including pollution or even (gasp) the sun. With anti-inflammatory ingredients like chamomile and geranium, which are also full of anti-oxidants, face serums work as shield to give luster and promote relaxing vibes. With all these reasons to jump on board, we don’t recommend leaving the S.P.F. at home quite yet. (That S.P.F., so hot right now).

 When to use Face Serum

 We recommend using Face Serum in the morning, take on the day and all the smog it wants to throw at you without worrying once about the toxins you may encounter. But we warn you it’s a slippery slope, it won’t be long until you’re using your serum twice a day, like we do!