Hello 2023: How to make it your best year yet!

Happy New Year! I have been reflecting on last year & dreaming up goals for 2023. I love how the new year means a fresh start and with that means so many exciting possibilities. Last year I created a new system for goal setting, 2022 was my most productive year yet. I really want to share with you what I have learned.

This method of organizing your goals in 5 main categories helped me to keep everything more balanced. It’s really easy to put too much focus on heath or career and forget about the rest. I found last year looking at your goals more holistically you achieve more.

Health Goals

This one is a big one for me, I am so guilt of not eating breakfast and just drinking a huge cup of coffee. Then around 1 pm my anxiety is sky high and its no wonder. This year I want to spend time creating new habits of healthy eating that involves a little more planning. I plan on creating the new habit of meal planning.

Career Goals

I need to learn how to delegate more I think if I hire more people this goal will be achievable. I want to be able to better manage my time and trust that everything can run smoothly when I’m not there.

Recreational Goals

I want to read more and make new friends, I love reading last year I read 2-3 books per month but not part of an organized club. This year I want to join a book club.

Home Goals

For the past 5 years my husband and I have been working to create our new home, we had a few road blocks but I feel confident that 2023 is our year to break ground and build our dream home. My biggest goal is to get all of the permits passed so that we can finally get this dream project underway.

Spirituality Goals

This one might seem odd under spirituality but I consider this goal under self care and self love. I want to focus on my self care and get out of the ponytail and sweatpants rut I have been in for the past 2 years. I want to make more of an effort with my aparence to boost my own self confidence. I purchased some really beautiful classic and timeless basics during Black Friday I am excited to style them and take more time for me this year to feel beautiful.

I can’t finish this post without mentioning my favorite books that have the power to change your life!

